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Portrait of photographer Anthony Lewis; Neat Shiny Owl, Neat Shiny Owl Photography, Shiny Photography, Anthony Lewis Photography, neatshinyo

Hey! You can call me Anthony. I'm a Washington DC-based photographer, specializing in minimal and ethereal portraits in the Beauty, Glamour & Boudoir genres.

I want my clients to feel powerful in the way that they are photographed, excited before, during and after their session and, overall, so, so zen -- even though I may challenge them to reach beyond their comfort zone.

I want women and feminine-coded individuals who identify as Black, Brown, or otherwise of Color, to feel as amazing as they are, and to see themselves in an equally amazing view. I want men and masculine-coded individuals to take slightly less boring photographs.

Choosing to work with me means trusting me to not only document you at the surface, but also to help extract the art dwelling within you. And if you're willing, I'd love to tap into the immortal part of you, too.

Visit my portfolio to see what I mean.

Most of my work is done from my small 8 x 10 home studio and, on occasion, I am aided by my wife Carla who, over time, has done hair, makeup, lighting and provided overall feel-goodness during sessions.

I hope we can create something outstanding together soon.


Your Photographer

-Anthony Lewis

Let's examine some terms:



🦉 of, relating to, or situated at the limen, the threshold at which a stimulus begins to produce an effect // of or relating to a transitional or intermediate state, stage, or period. ]EXAMPLE[

🦉 a woman's bedroom or private sitting room. // ORIGIN OF BOUDOIR 1775–85; French: literally, a sulking place (boud(er) to sulk + -oir-ory)

🦉 denoting the quality of fascination, allure, or attraction // excitement, adventure, & unusual activity // a magic spell; a charm or a charming thing

🦉 the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations, a meaningful design or pattern, or something else (as a personality in which high spiritual qualities are manifest)

🦉 defiant; bold // like brass, as in sound, color or strength // unhesitant; fearless in the face danger // conspicuous

🦉 of, relating to, or characteristic of surrealism // having the disorienting, hallucinatory quality of a dream; unreal; fantastic.

🦉 naked or unclothed, as a person or the body // without the usual coverings, furnishings, etc.; bare

🦉 of, relating to, or devoted to another world, as the world of imagination or the world to come.
🦉 pertaining to, inclined to, or preoccupied with the gratification of the senses or appetites // of or relating to the senses or physical sensation; sensory // pertaining to the philosophical doctrine of sensationalism

🦉 attractive and fashionable; stylish // tastefully fine or luxurious in dress, style, design // sophisticated

🦉 holding fast; characterized by keeping a firm hold // holding together; cohesive; not easily pulled asunder; tough. Or delicate, if you so choose.

🦉 made or prepared skillfully // arousing or exciting speculation, interest, or attention // inexplicable or highly unusual; odd

The Experience, In Their Words

The Experience, In Their Words

“First time I had a photoshoot concept about my birthmark, and it’s definitely not my last! @neatshinyowl and @mini_owl made me feel like the ethereal divine being I’ve always felt I am!!”

I just want to make immaculate art with you, that hopefully puts intrigue hand in hand with intense emotion -- love, power, joy, defiance, the unknown, stillness. And while I'm using a camera to do this, my hope is that you come away from this feeling like you got more than just "some pictures."

-Anthony Lewis | Neat Shiny Owl


Neat Shiny Folk / AbunDance Academy of the Arts / Brooklyn Museum / Getty Images / Bloomberg News / Just Call Me KEEBS / Red Rooster Harlem / Deutsches Hygiene / IMIRAGEmagazine / DELLA$IE / Nicole Shawan Junior, Esq / Dr. Rashida L. Weaver, PhD / Made By Black (Yvonne Jewnell) / AFROPUNK / Curls Understood / Ariel Samone / Najee Omar / "Believe It & Behave It" by Kate Harvie / "Start Ghetto" by Latetra Metts-Owens / StreetMeetDC / PortraitMeet DC / Harlem's Very Own / Global ArtSpeak Alliance, Inc / Cold Cuts (Conversationships) / iMirage Magazine